OSHA Forklift Certification Program
This Re-certification/Re-fresher class is for Experienced and Previously Trained Forklift Operators only.
1910.178(l)(1) Prior to permitting an employee to operate a powered industrial truck (except for training purposes), the employer shall ensure that each operator has successfully completed the training required by this paragraph (l), except as permitted by paragraph (l).
Classes in English & Spanish
Program Overview:

1. Formal Guided Lecture
- Regulatory overview
- Forklift Classifications
- Engineering principals
- Safe operation
- Maintenance and inspection

2. CD Based Instruction
- Supplies users with pertinent information to safely operate a forklift

3. Forklift Operator Quiz
- Each candidate must successfully pass a written quiz

4. Certificate and Permit
- Certificate of completion, wallet card is given as required by law
Once the initial certification is completed, employers are required to train and evaluate all of their operators at least once every three years. A training course can also be provided at any time if operators do not meet performance standards.
Adaptable for large or small fleets and whether you require English, Spanish
Includes certificate, wallet-sized operator certification card, training booklets and comprehensive testing